Animal abuse at Berean

Event Date

Dec 04, 2023


Perfect weather for a workout at Berean. Stars in the sky, cool air and a dream. Mosey.

Warmorama: SSH, IST, hillbilly, long snapper, slow squat. Salty that I missed a good opportunity for some toy soldier.
Cross the bridge to Terabithia. Partner merkins while other partner runs to the end of parking lot and back. Repeato 3 rounds each. 
mosey to rock pile

curls, skull crushers, BoR, rock Mary. 
during one of the sets of skull crushers from the 6 position BoarDog decided to investigate the origin of the workout and discovered first hand why it’s called the skull crusher.  

After the brazen assault on an innocent animal the Q felt it best to pack up and flee the scene of the crime. So rocks back and mosey back to birkdale for another set of merkins ahead of a well deserved mobility moment. 

we found ourselves some turf, lunge it out. Stretch the hips, lower abdominals, twist the spine, stretch the hammies, glutes, groin and obliques. Whew. 

pray for Caesar’s co workers son in law who suffered a significant brain injury following a skateboard accident. Pray for the pax who made it out to post this morning and those who didn’t. Every day and every moment is a gift and we appreciate them all, 




after coffeeteria this morning a friendly new guy asked me if the men I was just talking to were part of a run group. I took the opportunity to introduce Reza to f3 website and explain what we do. He asked if we were a religious organization, stating repeatedly that he was not religious. I told him we were a faith based organization that prays for about a minute after each workout. After hearing this FNG Reza told me he wanted to learn about Christ. It became a delicate and challenging conversation from then on out. I’ve invited him to paininsula tomorrow and hope to see him there.