We Need Another Sled

Event Date

Dec 05, 2023


4 Pax joined me this morning for some fun with the sled. I’m still recovering from a left calf cramp from the Rat this weekend so we stayed relatively stationary with some block work and sled pushes. 


  • Warmorama
  • Block work: 3 sets of curls, skull crushers, squats, front delt raises, squat thrusters
  • Mosey up to the bus lot: 3 rounds of sled pushes while the rest of the Pax get in some Mary. 
  • Mosey back down to the parking lot for a quick round of farmer carries and squats


  • We need another sled. Sled races would be a huge hit and likely lead to mass hospitalizations, but still, fun times. 
  • Great push by everyone today – pun intended, get it!! – but seriously, heart rates can stay elevated without running and we proved that this morning.
  • Thanks to Peart for leading us out in prayer this morning – keep lifting up those with aging parents.
  • Fallout is in good hands with the new MQ taking over in January – plenty of open slots to start the year so help Drebin out and sign up!