Smokey Saves The Day

Event Date

Dec 07, 2023

My phone said 29 degrees as I’m getting dressed. Having playing COD with Slingshot and Cherry Bomb last night and them both saying “ehhh maybe” when I asked if they’d be at Dragon Slayer I’m not going to lie I was kind of hoping they wouldn’t.

Pulling into the parking lot around 0525 and CB is pulling in with me. Parked at 0526 and I text CB and I quote:

MH: “If it’s just us two we’re going to coffee”

CB: “Im…OK with that”

*0528ish a beautiful white Pick Up truck pulls in and I get this text*

CB: “Dammit”

Smokey in all his glory saves the morning by showing up! We all get out of our cars and apparently you need to PB bringing a KB to Dragon Slayer now? CB didn’t have his so here comes Smokey to save the day again lending him one of his spares.

Side bar: Smokey’s KB is 44.1 pounds


Run a small lap around the parking lot

SSH, IST, Hillbillies, Toy Soldiers, Mountain Climbers, Mericans

Walk KBs over to the pull up bars

The Thang:

– Pull Ups

– KB Curls

– KB Overhead Press

– KB Skull Crushers

– KB Lawn Mowers

– KB Around the World

– Run a lap

6 rounds of the above starting at 10 reps each and increasing by 1 each round till we stopped at 15.

75 Mericans


Mason Twists

Zamperini High Knees back to the cars

Recover Recover

Name o rama



– In all seriousness I’m very glad Smokey showed because I felt so much better after the workout

– Working out in the cold isn’t fun but I’m thankful to have a group to get out there and hold me accountable 

Until next time……. Mr. Holland