AI is taking over the world

25 degrees in the Gloom for the standard and workout. Peart, Amen and Frontier did a light standard. We quickly discovered that the only way to stay warm was to keep moving! As the PAX gathered, we moseyed to the basement to stay warm and YHC spun up the AI lead engine that modeled a workout to keep the PAX warm, along with some alternative 90s tunes!


  • 20 SSH
  • 15 Slow Windmills
  • 20 Toy Soldiers
  • 10 Slow Deep Squats
  • Arm Circles


Listening to our AI induced female voice, with an aussie accent of course, we started the Tabatacha app of our doom. This app calls an exercise. There is audio queue to start working out and then when to end. We did 3 sets of each exercise in AMRAP fashion. The timer was 20 seconds on and 10 second breaks. GO!

  • KB Swing
  • Squat to Press
  • KB Curls
  • Lawn Mowers
  • Staggered Merkins
  • Chest Press
  • WWII w/ KB
  • Upright Row
  • KB Squats
  • Skull Crushers
  • Burpees, yes, Burpees
  • LBC w/ KB
  • Russian Twist
  • Power to the People ( in honor of Spare!)
  • Bent over Row
  • Overshead Press
  • Teabag Squat
  • Darcy Swing
  • 8-Count Burners


Pass Mary around:

  • Hotwax – Ankle Touch
  • The Force – Glut bridge
  • Shoulder Touch Merkins – Snake Eyes
  • J-Lo – Amen
  • Bob Ross
  • Dying Cockroach – Diehard
  • Peart
  • Tammy Fae – Side planks


  • Today was fast paced and everyone somewhat liked the 90 music theme. Frogger complained the most but that is typical.
  • Strong showing today gentlemen. This is a hard workout with only 10 second breaks.
  • Continued prayers for our pax with parents dealing with health issues. Especially calling out Ultraman and The Force’s mom. We praise the good days and pray for continued peace!
  • A big prayer request for Force’s friend Erin. She continues to be in critical condition with complexities surrounding an aneurysm. We continue to pray for God’s healing hand and relief for her friends and family.
  • As always, impressive work Gentlemen. I am honor to be a part of F3 and attempting to lead such fine men.