Cubicles Fumigation Services

12 of Isotopes finest met YHC for an early cup of joe at this weeks JAVA. Nice mix of veterans and young F3ers showed up to start their day of right. As usual festivities started at 5:31 as Omega and Lone Star arrived at their prescribed time. Quick plan of action was given and off to Walgreens we went, all YHC asked was that during our 4 segments each PAX push their pace during a period of time, not to stay at the same pace the entire run. 

Good Morning and disclaimer: Warm-up

SSH x10 IC
IST x10 IC
Long snapper x 10 IC; left groin stretch/right groin stretch
High knee hugs x 10 IC
Pogo’s Dbl/Single
Arm swings

First stop Kenton Circle up Mount Sam Furr, always fun to start JAVA with a run up Mount Sam Furr, with the request to push our pace the PAX made it in record time, Cubicle and Einstein lead the way.
Pain Station:
Bulgarian split squat left x 10 IC, Incline mericans x 10 IC, BSS right x 10 IC, Incline mericans x 10 IC

Second stop Elevation, nice flat portion of the run, No Rope, Soprano and Omega jumped up to join the leaders with everyone pushing down the last 100 yds.
Pain Station:
BW Squat/Merican Combo
Shoulder width squat x 5 IC/5 Mericans IC with a squat thrust to stand, Hippie remind YHC that the squat thrust up reminded everyone of a burpee, noted.
Sumo squat x 5IC/5 wide grip Mericnas IC, squat thrust up
Narrow base squat x 5IC/5 Mericnas IC, squat thrust up

Third stop Robbins park gazebo, on this part of the run the PAX encountered its first icy patch, with everyone being an athlete no issues crossing the frozen patch. 
Pain Station:
Bench tricep press; during this exercise Cubicle fumigation services started with most PAX not having the ability to breath or count and with FOGO’s insistence we quickly audibled to the street to get as far away as possible. Certainly hope no damage was done to surrounding area. Street Combo.
Stride Squat/Merican Combo: left leg FW/Mericans/right leg FW/Mericans x 10 IC

Fourth stop Greenway.
Pain Station:
Lateral Lunge x 10 IC
Mericans x 10 IC
Minor detour after Pain Station secondary to water and ice on Greenway, instead of running under foot  bridge to theater audible up hill to Pure Barre, once PAX gathered, back to base at Starbucks Birkdale.
We all had right around 2.9 to 3.3 miles with 4 stops in 42 minutes. Quick round of Mary and a few stretches Recover/Recover was called. Great to have everyone out, FNG 1 is McFly, he has been traveling north and south for his F3 workouts, hopefully we will see him more often.
FNG 2 is Lasso, he did a great job and I hope he will continue to be a regular member of the Isotope.

Ultraman and Diehard meet us for COT, they ran a 4 Banger while we did a 3 Banger, nice work men!
Lone Star continues to be a MQ of example, showing up every Thursday at 5:31!! Always great seeing LS.

Unspokens for all F3 PAX
Asked to Lord for the grace to make us more thankful and gracious as we go about our days.
To help us love HIM more and us less.

Secondary to renovations at Starbucks we gathered at Summit Coffee, great PAX showing.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with goodness.” St. P
