Three Bears, just right!

Event Date

Jan 15, 2024

Three old souls and just a bit of moaning and groaning!

Warm ups

Arm  rotations and ssh while we wait for Travolta to find his gloves!  He found them just as we finished x 20! Mere coincidence.  Then we did IC:






U/D Dog

Calf Raises

Main Thang:

Circuits x 10 on stairs with merkin at bottom and CH squats at top

Mosey to first line of parking lot for Ladder of 11, start with 1 merkin at bottom, mosey to top for 10 dips on split rail fence.  RR until 10 merkins and 1 dip.

Mosey lap to gym area. Where we did dips, lunge walk, step ups.  Mosey to down under bars for 3 sets of x 10 pull ups.  Mosey back to AO.  Short Bear Crawl to second line with shoulder taps.


20 x flutter kick, pretzel crunch and LBC.

Reflection: Jeremiah 29:11.  Pray out.