January 2024 Horseshoe

17 of F3 Isotope’s finest braved the cold and wet to get off to the right start for the year – THE HORSESHOE!

The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare

Calf stretches each leg

SSH X 10

Long Snappers X 10

Windmills X 10

Mosey to the base of THE hill

Horseshoe exercises with 1st 6 back to base of THE hill doing 20 rock curls – 100 total



Air Squats

Backward stepping lunges


Mosey to fire station

Mobility minutes under cover

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the launch 


Naked Man Moleskin:

Good time to give a little history and factoids re: THE Horseshoe

Originator – Free Pass, circa 2013-14

Iron Horseshoe – all 12 Horseshoes in a calendar year

Iron Horseshoe Shirts began 2020, only cost is your attendance and a donation to Operation Sweet Tooth

2020 – Green and Gold

2021 – in honor of Riverboat’s Boston College alma mater Maroon and Gold (Chief made the BC “Muted Gold” I requested a little too much like Minnesota colors [don’t anyone EVER say USC – SoCal, not on my watch])

2022 – in honor of Stromboli’s University of South Alabama alma mater Red, White and Blue

2023 – in honor of  Einstein’s Indiana University of Pennsylvania alma mater Red, Gray and White

Most Horseshoes completed – has to be me with multiple make-ups beyond the 12, and making it a standing workout as master Q the 3rd Tuesday of every month, chosen so as not to conflict with the VERN held by Fission the 2nd Tuesday of every month

Worst Q of the Horseshoe – MiniMe who had us do ascending reps of stupid exercises that no one finished in the allotted time. Yes – he included Burpees

Coldest Horseshoe – we did one at 8 degrees

Warmest Horsehoe – a few have been approaching 80 degrees by completion in August

Drunkest Horseshoe – Gnarly Goat, fueled by bourbon

Highest attendance – the make-up Horseshoe Stromboli thought he was doing with just me the week prior to his hip replacement surgery

Most consistent Horseshoe devotee – Hollywood

Whiniest, most complaining, now only occasional attendee – Hat Trick (calls it the Horse SHIT)

Most Horseshoes in 1 day – 4 (Omega and Hippie, may have been a couple others that did one or two with them, believe they were the only ones to complete all 4 – over 11 miles)

Mileage – consistently 2.8 miles per Garmin

Most likely to add a few laps in HT lot to get to 3.0 – 3.1 miles – Oyster

Most laps having to do rock exercises because they are ahead of the pack – Cousin Eddie

Most encouraging Horseshoer – recently has clearly been Airstream

Most coveted shirt in F3 LKN – after the original Isotope logo, by all accounts it is the Iron Horseshoe shirt

Most pirated, unearned Iron Horseshoe T-shirts – Shaken Not Stirred

All I have time for – thanks to all who came out today! See you next month, makeup only due to injury or work/travel conflicts (or if you run a 4+ million dollar medical mission in a foreign country)

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!

