F3 Isotope chose Hard

Not on the site – Large Mouth, Bowser, Shadow, Mound

In the preblast, I stated that if you wanted an easy workout, you should go to another AO.  16 other people decided that they wanted to see what that was all about.  The only person who chose easy was the MQ – just kidding, it was an excused absence.


  • SSH x 20IC
  • IST x 10IC
  • Long Snapper x 10IC
  • Windmill x 10IC
  • Arm Circles
  • Mountain Climber x 10 IC

The Thang

Chelsea – 5 Pull-ups, 10 Mericans, 15 Squats on the Minute for 5 rounds

We alternated the starting exercise for 3 groups so we could all use the pull-up bars

11s – 10 Squat to Press with Block at top of the parking Lot, 1 WWII situp at the bottom.  Then 9/2, 8/3, etc.

Block Work

  • Bent-Over-Row x 15 IC
  • Lawn Mower x 10 IC each side
  • Straight Leg Deadlift x 10 IC Slow
  • Block Pull-Over x 10 OYO
  • 5 Pull-ups OYO
  • Bent-Over-Row x 10 IC
  • Lawn Mower 10 each side OYO


  • Shaken – Pretzel Crunch x 10 (IC on his UP – STK)
  • Frontier – 5 Burpees OYO
  • Toxic – Slow Peter Parker


Awesome turnout today for Gladiator.  I was expecting 7-8 and got 17, which can be more difficult.

The teenagers were out crushing this workout before going to school.  Great job!

The Force thought Chelsea was 1 exercise each minute.  I’ll try to give better instructions next time.

This was my first Q in a while.  The rust was definitely there.  If I have to post everyday on 75 Hard, might as well pick the workout every once in a while.

Thanks to Toby for letting me Q and thanks to Tammy Faye for taking us out.