KB Chain Gang

12 PAX ventured out to a No Running KB Chain Gang concept workout at JV Washam Elementary School. Thank you PAX for taking part in this little experiment on the Chain Gang concept.  Much appreciated for the turnout this GLOOM.


Warm o rama: SSH or Hillbillies IC X 15, slow windmills IC X 10, carrot puller IC X 15, runners stretch for 5 count hold both sides, IST IC X 15 

Chain Gang Concept: line up single file along the concrete sidewalk with KB in hand. While walking single file to emulate a prison/inmates chain gang, perform the called exercise until the end of middle of the concrete sidewalk.  Then reverse 180° direction and perform other called exercise 

Exercises performed – Zamporini, KB Curls, overhead shoulder press, skull crushers, around the World 

Circle up for – Core work: KB LBCs IC X 10, KB chest press IC X 15, windshield wipers IC X 10, behind head slow lower IC X 10, KB LBCs IC X 10

Repeato Chain Gang Concept with stop for:

Grab some wall: people’s chair with land that plane IC X 10, 

Circle up for – Lawn mower 10 count each arm, bent over rows 10 count, upright row 10 count, repeato but add in isolated arm curls 8 count each arm 

Announcements: 8th annual Christina Lantini Run,Ruck/Walk


5th Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K and 2 Mile Walk

Prayers: PAX with aging parents and care for them. Grace for brain aneurysm surgeries