Good times at the Oak

Event Date

Feb 07, 2024


The Mighty Oak


Circle up

10 windmills

10 hillbillies

10 toy soldiers

Mosey to the front entrance of the school

Circle back up

10 long snapper

10 imperial stormtroopers

10 SSH

Mosey to the picnic tables

10 dips

10 step ups

10 incline press

Repeat 2x

Mosey to grab a block and head to the covered walkway

10 curls then 10 lunges walk mosey back

Repeat 2x

10 swings then 10 squat hops mosey back

Repeat 2x

10 shoulder presses then bear crawl about 20 yards and mosey back

Repeat 2x

10 squats with blocks then bunny hops 20 yards and mosey back

Repeat 2x

10 skull crushers to

Repeat 2x

Put blocks away then back to the tables


10 WWII sit ups

25 LBC

10 pretzel crunches

10 dot the i

10 Freddy Mercury

3 15 sec elbow planks

10 J-Lo

Recover Recover


Not a lot of chatter but the pax was glad to see the Q hold his promise of very little running.  Great work by everyone involved
