Tuffy’s B-day & Wussy Dogs

Event Date

Feb 11, 2024



What a great way to start the morning with the 75 Hard crew! The 4 Horsemen got it done today with one pain station of squats mixed in as we celebrated Tuffy’s birthday with a beatdown.

The mumble-chatter connsisted of dog owners who don’t have enough emotional intelligence to know their dog makes everyone around them miserable, and yet, they continue to force said dog upon the group.

Takeaways from the day:

1) Don’t be that person who’s dog who yelps, barks, and has to be coddled constantly;

2) Ask those around you what they think of your dog (honestly); 

3) Don’t be that person who forces your dog on others; &

4) Don’t be that person who has a wussy dog.

3.23M in total

Recover, Recover
