Love Hurts at the Oak

Event Date

Feb 14, 2024


YHC loves themed Qs.  YHC is also the MQ of The Mighty Oak.  YHC noticed that Valentine’s Day fell on a Wednesday this year, and excitedly signed up to Q months ago.  YHC also forgot that this was the week of Olive’s annual Daytona 500.  At the urging of another MQ who assured me that other Pax like alternative options, I kept #TMO open and decided not to converge.  Thankfully, Elmers met me in the gloom and helped me avoid a sad V-day clown.  Here’s what went down:


Cue the perfectly curated 45 minute, 25 second ”love” themed playlist:

  • SST x 30 IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 15 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 15 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC


How convenient!  YHC had two brand new cinder blocks in the bed of my truck.  Time to roll out for the Pain Walk.  A mile loop through MacAulay carrying the blocks along the way, with various stops for exercises:

  • Slow Deep Squat x 15
  • The Curl x 15 IC
  • Overhead Press x 15 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 15 IC

Aww, look at that, we made a heart!  Back to launch where I gave Elmers the option – jog the mile loop again without the blocks, or a long hard Mary.  He chose Mary.


  • LBC x 30 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch Right x 15 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch Left x 15 IC
  • Touch Dem Heels x 30 IC
  • Push Throughs x 30 IC
  • Suzanne Somers Right x 15 IC
  • Suzanne Somers Left x 15 IC
  • Pillow Talk Right x 15 IC
  • Pillow Talk Left x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x 30 IC
  • Isometric Crunch x 20 Seconds

Recover, recover.

Thanks to Elmers for the company and great conversation this morning!