The Four Horsemen

Event Date

Feb 16, 2024

Started with three as Travolta was delayed by a “personal hygiene” issue!  In the absence of a better alternative Sparrow took the Q.

Warm Up

WM, TS, then greeted Travolta with MHs as he rolled in late!  Always good to be recognized!

TS, ST,  CP, Sun Salute, Up/Down Dog, Calf Raises.

 Main Thang

Three sets of 10 x Curls, presses, SC, Trifecta, Rows, DL, Sumo Squats, Goblet Squats, Wall Marts, 3 sets of Ribbons, Milk Jugs and some 5 or 6 count thing that sounded good but was unrecognizable.

On Six for; Press to OH ext, sit-ups.  Series of moseys to top of PL and back to LP. Started with 10 dips at top of PL and 10 curls at bottom then subtract 1 rep each circuit.  10 circuits equaled 1.8 miles.  Iron Horse and Travolta earned bonus points as they added one more lap to reach 2 miles. 

No time, no Mary.  Prayed out with words for several Ms in our group who are going through medical issues.  Pleasure to be able to lead!