OTB Garage Weights

Event Date

Mar 11, 2024


Snake Eyes held me accountable today being the lone member of the Monday Swole Club to show so he gets his BB credit. Not gonna lie, was counting down the seconds until 5:23 before closing the garage door and going back to bed, and out of the darkness emerges a HIM to keep me from fartsacking. Drebin and Turnpike were both in bed with the time-change flu and unable to make it this morning (Turnpike had the courtesy to text me at 0414 to let me know he wasn’t showing – only to wake up the M who was suspicious about my late night text). We knocked out 4 sets of flat bench and flys, some overhead press and pull-up work, quick set of 5 reps of turkish get-ups on both sides, and finished with some Mary for a great start to the week. Thanks for the accountability, Snake Eyes!