Where is my $50 and Missing Rib?

Event Date

Apr 18, 2024


YHC arrived first ready for his debut appearance and virgin Q at Samson

UM was second on the scene, POS, Tammy Faye, Bob Ross soon arrived via auto while The Force rucked over from the hood.   

YHC mumbled a disclaimer and launched into warmarama.  

  • SSH x 20
  • WM x 12
  • SDC x 12
  • IST x 12
  • Toy S’s x 12

We did a serpentine run through the parking lot and ended by the blocks.


  • Squats x 10
  • Curls x 10
  • Press x 10
  • Skull crushers x 10
  • 8 count burners x 10

Run to wall

  • Wall sits
  • Air press x 10
  • Touch heels x 10
  • Curb kickers x 10
  • Incline merkins x 10
  • Step-ups – 5 each leg

Back to blocks

Pull-up / burpee ladder – 5/1, 4/2, 3/3, 2/4, 1/5

Samson suicides, cause that’s just what you do at Samson – Decline merkins, adding 1 for each round

Block sit squats x 10

Christian McCaffrey raises x 10

Return blocks

Traversed length of lot – 1/3 lunge walk, 1/3 bear craw, and 1/3 crab walk

Serpentine run back increasing 10% effort each length

Mary – pax that called the exercise

  • WW2 x 10 – DH
  • Low flutters – POS
  • Boat holds – UM
  • Elbow to knee x 5 each leg – TF
  • LBCs – BR
  • Plank (L, C, R) – Tammy F
  • Pigeon – DH


  • Good news – no issues with neighbors – yay!
  • POS provided little known medical knowledge and cooking tips – which rib just came off the grill or will be used to make jewelry?
  • Stay tuned to find out if The Force will get and return $50 due to an innocent Apple pay misstep or was he a potential victim of an AI generated scam bot that talks like the girl next door.
  • Bob Ross proudly got the war baby title (to be young again)
  • UM provided the inspiration for the block sit squats (or was he trying take a break, hmmm). Most importantly he led the way to coffeeteria where Rocket was nowhere to be found.
  • Thanks to Tammy Faye for taking us out – well done as always!