Pinky, the birthday boy, expressed his birthday wish that everyone on the MILF3 text string make one or more beatdowns this week. In response to this public challenge, the same old cast of three characters showed up. Although tomorrow is not guaranteed, there is always next year.
- Q travelled on spring break with cured and smoked meats and a meat slicer. Pretty sure that’s not the last time he will travel with a meat slicer
- 911’s son Matt, also known as Dude, did a tremendous job as a docet while giving Q’s crew a tour of the capital. It was really fantastic to see him in his element and just how much he is enjoying working for a senator on the Hill
- Primary focus today was on a good stretch of the legs as part of the Ville to Ville tune-up
- April showers and an early bloom decimated the cherry blossoms
- This may be as anatomically correct as a Ken doll, but we definitely spent ample time stretching the groinal cavity today
- Solid work men. And happy birthday Pinky!