We Got Daddy Issues

Event Date

May 17, 2024


Empty spot on the calendar for Emmaus this week so I heeded the call from Toby and scooped it up. 6 other men joined me this morning for some first F before we got into our daddy issues during second F. You only get 30 mins to lead the workout at Emmaus so you gotta make it count. 


  • We met Rodeo in the parking lot as he was pulling in exactly at 0500 – right on time according to Rodeo, then we moseyed over to the unofficial official warmorama spot for Emmaus beside the theater for some SSH, IST, toy soldiers, long snappers, and a quick 10 merkins IC. 


  • Finished with warmoramaing, we headed over to the Dick’s lot (I am not EVEN going to share with you all the obscene play on words that some of the Pax made about that one). I wanted to hit some legs today so I borrowed from a prior Turnpike beatdown and announced to the assembled group that we were going to do 120 jump squats with a lap in between. Rodeo proclaimed at some point this was going to take too much time. We started with 15 jump squats, lap, 14 jump squats, lap… and then at 10 jump squats I modified to a shorter lap after realizing that Rodeo, was in fact, right, and humbly proclaimed as such. We pushed thru and finished all 120 with about 6 minutes to spare.
  • With 6 minutes to spare, we launched into some glute/hammy bridges. Quick 10 regular, x10 IC single-leg, and a wide-leg 10 count glute hold (not to be confused with a move of the same name that I heard about from an old sailor in a tavern saloon down by the docks one night).


  • Tossed it over to Stub for some LBC’s and Red finished things off with some flutter kicks.


  • Solid push from all in attendance today for a slightly harder than average workout, the humidity has definitely arrived.
  • Despite the lack of sleep last night, still always easy to hop out of bed early on Friday for Emmaus. Can’t beat a good workout followed by some good reflection. Thanks to Jedi for getting us started this week on the first two chapters of Fathered By God.
  • And thanks to Jedi again for the opportunity to lead this morning.