Disclaimer & Mosey around bottom part of lot. Circle up for the warmup:
Slow WM – 10 IC
Dwight Shrutes – 10 IC
Shute Dwights – 10 IC
IST – 15 IC
YHC informed the Pax that 98% of people cannot complete the 2 minute Merican Challenge. What is the challenge you say? I’m glad you asked. It goes as follows:
Start a stopwatch/timer/phone and do:
15 seconds AMRAP Mericans
15 seconds hold the top position of the Merican
15 seconds hold the middle position of the Merican
30 seconds hold the bottom position of the Merican (hover, not lying on the ground)
15 seconds hold the middle position of the Merican
15 seconds hold the top position of the the Merican
15 seconds AMRAP Mericans
Of the 11 Pax, 3 completed the challenge or 27%. It goes to show F3 Pax are greater than 98% of the population. So there’s that to start your week.
Mosey to the blocks doing a quadraphelia
Grab blocks and partner up for Dora:
100 Mountain Climbers (each leg is 1)
200 Chest Press
300 Curls
Partner 1 runs a lap while partner 2 completes the exercise.
Mosey to the pull-up bars to stretch the back with a dead hang. It was a welcome relief after the block work.
Deadlifts with the blocks
Split squats with the blocks
Hollow hold on the blocks
Glute bridge with the blocks
Blocks back & mosey to the cars for Mary
Low Flutter
Box Cutter
Great work today guys. That was a tough way to start the week and you all crushed the workout.
MDM is coming up next Monday. It is either 6:30 or 7:00. Check the calendar to confirm.
Until next time ISYITG