Return to the Gladiator

Event Date

May 21, 2024

7 men for an ab heavy, early week beatdown.


SSH x 20
IST x 10
Longsnappers x 10
Slow Windmill x 10
Toy Soldiers x 10

Mosey down to the Back door and partner up for Part 1

Partner #1 – run to the top of the hill – 5 Burpees

Partner # 2 – LBCs


Partner #1 – Run to the top of the hill – 15 WWII Sit up
Partner #2 – W’s


Partner #1 – Run to the top of the hill – 25 Mericans
Partner #2 – Big Baby Crunches


Partner #1 – Run to the top of the hill – 35 Carolina Dry Docks
Partner #2 – Plank


All run to the top of the hill for 45 squats

Back down the hill for a Merican time bomb 5 down to 1

Over to wall for People’s Chair + Air presses
Praying Mantis x 10 IC
25 Rocky Balboa’s IC


Mosey up the hill to back of lot and grab a block

Skull crushers x 10

Low flutter x 10

Shoulder Presses x 10

Rosalita x 10

Curls x 10

Dot the I x 10

Chest presses x 10

Lap around the lot

Mosey back to start, Mobility moment courtesy of Deep Dish


LBC                              Little Professor
Big Crunchy Frog      Ponch
J-Lo                             Amen
Mericans                     Shadow
Mountain Climbers  POS
Burpees                      Frontier


It’s been too long since I’ve posted at the Gladiator.  It’s a really good AO.  Great group today, positive attitudes and hard work from all.

Thanks to Toby for the opportunity to lead this morning!

Little Professor