Was that The Spinners singing their 1976 tune “Rubberband Man” this AM?

13 Soulful brothers met YHC this AM at Hollywood to do their best rendition of The Spinners 1976 classic Rubberband Man.  After red bands where dealt out to all brothers the confusion started. First line of business was to mosey to an appropriate area to warm-up, the PAX did not understand how they would mosey using their red bands; Holiday tried to skip rope with it, Hippie tried to smoke it, Grenade (as expected) tried to blow it up, Mayhew tied it around the Little Professor’s neck to try and slow him down, Travolta danced with his, Possum tried to eat it. Confusion abound our motley crew, once the instruction of “just hold it in your hand and mosey” where clarified, the mosey went much easier.


SSH, IST, Long Snappers, Prisoner Squats, Groin stretch, High Plank Holds with 3 points of stability alternating UE/LE, mericans, catcher pose/rotations.

First Stop: Movie Theater

  • Peoples Chair with horizontal band pulls, diagonal pulls.
  • Single arm band bicep curls
  • Standing wall mericans with band

Second Stop: Planter

  • Alternating FW step up OYO
  • Incline mericans with band
  • Bulgarian squats bilateral
  • Single leg step downs bilateral 

Third Stop: Greenway Bridge/chocked red bands on railing

  • Band high pulls/low pulls/bicep curls/Lift Offs
  • Run/Sprint to top of greenway; 10 curb mericans/ 10 BW squats mosey back to bridge
  • Repeat band sequence; repeat runsprint/ mericans and BW squats

Fourth Stop: Dog Turf Urinal

  • hip stretch/T-spine mobility/child pose

Home Base: Mosey

  • 2 Burpees
  • 2 Burpees


Great to see everyone this morning; Soprano pushed a great pace with LP, Deep Dish continues to try and keep up with LP, Tammy Faye always puts in a solid day of work and intensity, MobyDick and Hat Trick just seem to smile and laugh the entire morning so I never know what’s up. Good to see Hasselhoff out there, he is trying to lose 50 lbs before his sons wedding next week!! We all wish him luck.


Prayers for Hippie’s nephew continue, prayers for all the PAX and their families. We thanked the Lord for today and asked for help to be a shining light for him.


All the worlds problems solved but then unfortunately we added a few more.

“Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with goodness.” St.P
