Fallout was an organized disaster

Lost track of how many things went wrong with YHC’s plan this morning…  but it started by not having enough blocks (hint, hint to MQ Drebin).  Plan was for each of us to use 2 blocks.  We were fine when there were 5 of us, but when those ruckers who had been ruckin’ joined us it all began to quickly fall apart.  YHC thought I could adjust on the fly.  Not this time…  

But alas – still glad Tantrum, T-Bone and Jingles joined us, even if they missed the warm-o-rama.

Warm-o-rama included mosey to the turf field so YHC could drop the cones and speaker where they needed to go, then circle back to the parking lot for circling up and arm circles, long snappers and… well that was enough.  

Then we’d “all” grab 2 blocks.  If there had been enough.  Think we were 2 blocks short but YHC was too stubborn to audible right then.

Fireman’s carry to the field, leaving 1 block at mid field and taking the other to the end.  Then back to block 1 to carry it to the other side of the field.  Now (theoretically) all the pax were at 1 end of the field with 1 block and all the way at the other end of the field were the rest of the blocks and evenly spaced in between were 3 cones for suicides.

At the start, 10 curls in cadence, then run to the first cone and back.  Then 15 curls in cadence.  Next cone and back, 20 curls in cadence, then the 3rd cone and back, 25 curls in cadence, then all the way to the other end where we’d do 30 curls in cadence before running back to the original start.

Repeat the above with skull crushers then with lawn mowers.

Great plan…  until you’re two blocks short and the pax try to “help” by splitting up at times, by going and getting 1 block from the other side and bringing it to the start, etc.  Chaos but all in all did did lots of those 3 exercises and run a bunch between cones.

Back to the lot for Mary, where all 8 pax called an exercise and finished with a great, sweaty burn.

The MOLESKINE is mostly included in the above, but a few other notes:

Happy Gilmore’s knees don’t allow him to run much so he found other means of exercise – including voluntary burpees.  That’s crazy.

Tantrum smelled (self-proclaimed, btw) like a mixture of eggs and McDonald’s cheeseburger but when asked if that meant he ate breakfast and lunch there yesterday he claimed to have not been to McD’s in “a long time”.  Ok, sure.  Explain that smell then.

T-Bone and Gambini were audibly and visibly offended by the bottle of water YHC brought.  Hey – YHC knew I had too many beers while washing cars yesterday, so YHC planned accordingly.  Feel free to do the same fellas! 

Jingle Bells crushed the ruck then also crushed the block suicides and never once complained!!!  But the look he gave YHC more than once during the workout said enough…

BEP – YHC’s original HC big brother and mentor graced us with his presence this morning in the gloom! Honored to have him even if YHC believes he was the originator of not grabbing a second block, then leaving his only block at the wrong end of the field.  We never recovered from that.

Hasselhoff can attest to how smoothly this workout went when we did it at Samson a couple weeks ago.  Yeah, it was just the 2 of us and yeah there were enough blocks.  Bet he missed the lightweight block from Samson this morning though!

All the pax commented at the start of the workout how nice the weather was as compared to the humidity at the Murph yesterday, but we were all complaining about today’s humidity as well by 6:15.