A pithy title from Possum and Canuck I have since forgotten…

After a few minutes commiserating about our many ailments and warning young Ichabod what he has to look forward to in 20+ years, we began our  workout. 

We got off some light warmarama near the Mtn Bike entrance and upon departure we were “attacked” by a coyote (per Possum’s perception).  It was actually a border collie I think and the owner immediately apologized for the loose dog. 

We hit the rock pile where we did a lot of repeato reps (sore?) of overhead presses, curls and chest pressed especially.  Blackbeard noted that we did a lot of “bend over and pick up a rock” exercises which he seemed to love, I think.  

We hit the pickleball courts which I believe some people have recently re-lined to include tennis.  We did a set of Suicide Merkins which the Q had to call an audible on the last piece to lower the quantity.  I hate to do that, but if not, I think I would have broken my nose upon collapse on the pickleball (er tennis) court.

More rock work.  I asked everyone to keep the rocks from the first round handy, but apparently we have an OCD sufferer among us and he put them all in their rightful place.  

We checked out the new Splash pad and those in the know commented on it’s progress.  Thanks Huntersville.  

We did some decline Merkins and People’s chairs on the post of the picnic gazeebo despite the fencing. 

We did the simpler BLMFers with on sets of 15 and 10 of straight lifts and still got some moaning for that (Blackbeard, cough).  

Good to see Jersey Boy hanging in there while he plans his ACL repair.  Take is slow and keep in straight.  No cutting!

Also, Great to see Waffle House on the mend.  He’s such solid part of the pax.  He’s back in the fold!!!

It was a cool comfortable morning made only better by some quality men of F3.  thank you so much gentlemen.  We closed with some encouraging words from Canuck.  Let’s keep praying for his nephew James and his progress.  Embrace our own challenges and be thankful.   There is always someone else  who has it harder.  Try to help them when possible.  Be good fellas.