Naming of an Ordained Priest, Father Anthony ✝️

Event Date

Jul 09, 2024

FNG-1 now known as ABBA. An ordained priest,  Father Anthony is visiting St. Marks from Ghana Africa after a missionary group lead in his region of Ghana and exchanged communication. Father Anthony promised he would travel here once he became Ordained. Faithful man of his Word 🙏🏼

FNG-2 Copperhead, awaiting to be accepted on the F3 isotope website. Already registered 

FNG-3 Nugent, doesn’t appear to be registered on the F3 Isotope website 

13 (baker’s dozen) ignored the muggy atmosphere to take part in the 2nd workout of Father Anthony (FNG-1)


Mosey to the fountain for Warm O Roma: SSH IC X 20, windmill slow IC X 10, chin to knee – right then left side for 5 count hold, pivot into runners stretch for 5 count hold – right then left, long snapper IC X 15, ISTs IC X 15

Mosey to the circle in front of the church (I failed the sobriety field test by not knowing the formal name an calling it The brick building 😞). Grab some curb for: Rocky Balboas IC X 20, inclined curb Mericans slow IC X 10, curb assistance full crutches IC X 10, inclined curb Mericans IC X 10. Mosey to the back of the school or maintenance building 

The Hill – 11 steps ladder. Top of the hill = CCDs, Bottom of the hill = lunge (single leg lung counts as 1). Once the hard chargers (PAX Estwing & Kosar) finished, all PAX finished. Mosey to the front of the school 

Mobility Moment: on your six for Pigeon led by the Hill hard charger Estwing. Knee to the chest for 5 count hold – left and right leg, half butterfly for 5 count hold – right and left leg, pretzel crunches IC X 10 – right and left leg, the W IC X 10. Mosey to back parking lot where a CMPD/Huntersville patrol officer was monitoring the church parking lot.

Monkey humpers IC X 10, Accelerater, squats slow IC X 10.

Announcements: PAX Ping fresh off his honeymoon needs help moving this Saturday, F3 Dad’s camp in August, PAX training for Kiawah Tri in August 

Prayer Requests: suppression of human rights in Sudan, safe travels for PAXs out of town, first responders, all unspokens 

Moleskin: GREAT TURNOUT 🙌🏼. A tough (physically and mentally strong) group of Men this morning who endured the hot, muggy atmosphere to keep pushing and completed this POST 👊🏼. Hopefully they are all better off 💪🏼. Enjoyed your fellowship this GLOOM PAX 👍🏼.