Cutting grass and haulin ass

With the promise of a track, a sunrise, and coffee, 10 gloom warriors posted to Ludicrous Speed ready to get after it.

0530 the clock strikes and the tread moves

Tha thang:

  • half mile warm up
  • some windmill and toy soldier while YHC tried to explain the rules of engagement
  • tempo run 400, recover mosey 200….. repeato 8x
  • cool down lap

COT happened


  • YHC ain’t to proud to admit when his “check” gets “check-mated”.  FiA hit the track today so as they were warm up stretching YHC said “we left a suggested donation box for you using our track” to which without missing a beat someone (likely 9Lives’ or Turnpike’s M) immediately clapped back with “we got one out there for letting you use our parking lot”.  Well played FiA, well played!
  • How about that guy who felt like 0530 in the dark was a good time to mow the infield of the track.  As if tempo wasn’t stress enough on the lungs let’s add some allergens.   That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right.
  • Tclaps to Cherry Bomb and Beave who lead the way!
  • Chilly Willy was in beast mode as well.
  • Turnpike did his thing.  Starting out with us common folk so we feel fast.  Then kicking it in an extra gear when we all get tired.  
  • QvQ Champ (aka The Force) came out the gate hot with his tempo hard and walk slow strategy.  Don’t knock it until you try it.  It works.  He’s the champ.
  • 9 Lives did 9 Lives things.  He ran with everyone.  No one and I mean no one keeps the community together like 9er.  And I’m here for it.
  • Good seeing Rooter out there.  Oh he’s been out.  We just haven’t crossed paths in a while.
  • Tclaps to Gambini for keeping YHC company.  Kept me pushing and also kept great conversation going.
  • Fenway!  One of those guys you love to see because he just makes you feel better.  Great seeing you out today.
  • What I learned today:  Speaking of Fenway.  We all know he has been a huge supporter of Down Syndrome community with Run For Holland, but also with Purple Heart Homes.  He has invited all of us to participate in a home renovation in Mooresville through Military Makeover with Montel Williams.  Sign up at this link:    
    • Fenway lives his life with purpose, a purpose to serve others.  So be a Fenway.  Find something bigger than you, that you can pour in to.  Commit to it.  Ask nothing from it, but give yourself to it.  The world will be better for it.