A Pectacular Race to the Top (basically for no reason)

14 pax showed up to see what YHC had in store – most knew from the PB and/or previous experience that there would at minimum be a pectacular start to the workout (and there was), but no one knew there’d be a race to the top to not see the sunrise, but none-the-less fun was had by all, we named an international FNG and everyone got swole and stronger.  FNG-2 is Copperhead – a rising senior in HS and not only beast at the workout but also a great young man.  Great meeting him today.

The Thang:

Slow mosey over to the bench press area of the gym at 0530 sharp.  YHC has found that getting there first and pairing up KBs and Pax and assigning them to specific benches works far better than announcing to the pax to partner up by KB weight and find a bench.  So benches were assigned, KBs were placed and it was time for warm-o-rama.

The usual SSHs were followed by seal-clap-hops to loosen up the pectorals. Then we go back to the usual ISTs, Long Snappers, Windmills and Macarena’s.  Oops – YHC was corrected.  Those were the Moroccan Night Clubs.  Mi Espanol no bueno – just ask Jorge.

Time to get to it.  Partner 1 would do a set up KB/dumbell presses while partner 2 ran a lap around the green. Flapjack.  Repeato. Then switch to flies, flapjack, repeato.  Pecs en fuego at this point.

Slow mosey back over to the entrance of the deck by the gate.  YHC would break the pax into 2 teams and each team was assigned to a stairwell. Then it was announced that upon YHC’s “NOW”,  there would be a race to the middle of the top ramp and YHC took off.  Oops, YHC did not announce “NOW”.

YHC’s team would get there first and 1 burpee would be assigned to the losing team.  Then YHC’s team would do TWO perfect-form burpees – because YHC cares about everyone’s fitness.

The pax would then circle up for a series of KB exercises in cadence, and at the end of each set, the pax would have the opportunity to call for “Just 5 more”.  Rules:  Each pax could only call “just 5 more” once. Not for each exercise – just once today.  The pax calling for just 5 more would also have to announce their name and call cadence.  YHC wanted our 2nd-post FNG-1 to hear all the nicknames of the pax.

26 KB curls in cadence (ouch).  Just five more was called twice I believe (maybe Copperhead and Peart Plus?)

20 overhead presses in cadence (ouch).  Just five more was called once, I believe (maybe Toxic?).

23 Christian McCalf-raises in cadence.  Just five more was called once, I believe (Ultraman?).

20 Skull Crushers in cadence (ouch).  Just five more called by Frogger.

20 Squats w/ or w/o KB in cadence.  Hold at the bottom of the 20th and wait to see if the pax wanted more.  Just 5 more called by Hot Wax.

Mosey over the big, long, thick, black… rope that YHC had whipped out pre-workout.

MWAR (Mary With A Rope) would ensue from there.  

The heavy metal moleskine:

The presses and flies burned a little extra this AM – not sure why.  Many pax began to audible by adding new/different/additional exercises.  Maybe the partners were just moseying slower today, which burns the the KB partners.

Toxic realized that there is life beyond his long, hard shaft.  He partnered up with YHC and he said it burned.

YHC did not hear any of the usual music from Amen’s posterior today.  Hope you’re ok, brother.  We’re all now worried about what might occur later this morning or after lunch. Ease into that first Dr Pepper…

The race to the top was a clever way to not lose too much time transitioning locations.  Competition is always the way to get the pax to move quickly.  Also a way to get the heart rate up.  YHC had 7 burpees planned for the losing team and audibled that to just 1.

Peart Plus actually taught Copperhead in 6th grade (maybe 5th too?) and hadn’t seen him again until the gloom today.  Kinda bet that hasn’t happened at an F3 workout before, aye?

Toxic took on YHC’s big, long, thick, black… rope with two hands and in the seated position.  Hadn’t seen that before.  The pax all watched with gazing wonder.

Honored to have given Jorge an F3 nickname today to take back with him to Mexico City.  Jorge is a very strong swimmer and even stronger man of God.  He has competed nationally on a swim team and he has followed God’s direction to spread His word globally.  A not-so-strong swimmer in the bible, and one who had reservations at first but eventually would spread His word was Jonah.  Welcome, brother Jonah!  Side note – Jonah’s M also received a nickname from FiA this morning.  Brenda loves running and is a pretty amazing artist.  Van GO is the FiA nickname she takes home with her tomorrow.  It has been a blessing having Jonah and Van GO in our home this week and I praise God for sending them here to do His work in the community and to be an inspiration and reminder to my M and to me.
