What a turnout! Read this!

Event Date

Jul 20, 2024

So as of early morning, no one had picked up the Q spot just yet on the https://f3isotope.com/calendar page so Sonar had half an idea cooked up and so did I, but neither had a full plan, so we decided to split things up.  Thanks for sharing Sonar, you had officially claimed the calendar spot first!

So the next few moments of people rolling in was mind boggling.  Here is who showed up, I’m sure I will butcher the names but will do my best here:

15 PAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regular Denver PAX:
C#, Sonar, Dr. DoLittle, Shirley

FNG & Escort:
FNG (Shannon Glidden) makes an appearance with the one and only Blackbeard who made the trip to accompany Shannon.  Gald to have you both!  Shannon plans to attend on Monday where we need to nickname him.  

Unknowns: (Folks from previous F3 AO’s and FNG brothers, cousins, just keep showing up!)
A couple have done F3 in the past, but been away from it all for awhile, and some true FNG’s.
Lucas Coffey (26) FNG,
David Cockman (44) – “Dog House”,
John James (47) FNG,
Bill Cockman (48) FNG,
Noah Cockman (19) – “Odie”,
Joeseph (21) – “Snoopy”,
Shawn? (18) FNG,
Lincoln Clayville (17) FNG,
Jeremiah Cockman (19) FNG

What a blessing to have a big group.  Everyone picked things up really quickly and things went pretty smooth.  Here’s what happened…

I’m not really sure, Sonar lead this while I finished setting up my part of the workout.
But I can attest, they did stuff!

The Thang:
Sonar gets us rolling with an Indian run around the parking lot.
Then setups us up a good ole’ Sonar circuit:
Quadra-feel-ya up the hill,
Karaoke half was across top, switching half way,
mosey down the hill,
10 step ups on picnic table,
dips on benches,
mosey back to the launch pad and repeat.  We get a good three rounds in.  Some more, some less.

We are at the halfway point, Sonar hands the Q over to C#.

We have a line of exercises we cycled through for about 20 minutes:
Rope Slams
Block Curls
22# plate trifectas
kettlebell squats
22# skull crushers
tricep kick backs
SSH (Side Stradle Hops, AKA: Jumping Jacks)
LBC (Little Baby Crunches)
Slam ball
WWI’s (sit ups)
Merkins (push ups)
Racoon crawl
Mosey/walk back to beginning

Circle up and explain that we normally do Mary here… but instead C# breaks out Raining Tacos.  Which is much harder at the end of a workout than the beginning.  (Planks with a Merkin at each time “taco” is said)

Pray us out.

Mark 6:48 NLT
48 He saw that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves. About three o’clock in the morning[a] Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. He intended to go past them,

Jesus already knew the outcome and that the disciples would be fine even though they were in trouble.  So he did not need to stop.  “He intended to go past them”… but He did stop.

I’ve heard and read this scripture many times but never caught that.  Here is a quick video sermon on Facebook where I learned of this.  I like this guy’s energy: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/M7bHUueAnrxKECJM/

Coffeeteria: we elect to go to Chick-Fil-A as we didn’t think we would fit in Cabellas.  We sat at the big table and still had to add chairs.  

Was a great day.

Thanks for letting us lead!

C# & Sonar