How Getting Peed On Cured My Asthma

Event Date

Jul 26, 2024


I mean not YHC in particular, but it’s definitely apparently true. Many such other facts and helpful tips will you learn about each week at Emmaus. 7 other Pax joined me in the humid gloom this morning for another Friday edition of Emmaus. It was humid. Jedi made his triumphant return today and we finally got F2 back on track. 


  • SSH x25 IC
  • toy soldiers
  • IST’s
  • long snappers
  • lots of arm circles – not every Pax was man enough to last the entirety


We took it to the hill for a few rounds of exercises and a lap in between, on the way back up we quadraphiliaed back up (how in the hell do you spell quadraphilialed?) for some good calf/hammie work. Got in a total of 100 merkins and some lower body. Good stuff if I do say so myself.

  • 15 merkins IC, down and back
  • 10 squats IC, down and back
  • 10 merkins IC, down and back
  • 15 single leg glute bridge IC, down and back
  • 15 more single legs on the other leg, down and back
  • 15 merkins IC, down and back
  • 10 merkins IC, down and back


  • Great work on a humid morning by all – good to see Pillager make it back out again.
  • Typical mumblechatter for Emmaus, but YHC persevered in spite and tried to exercise the mumbles outta the group – I was moderately successful, but at least I’ve already heard the worst things I’m likely to hear all day!
  • Jedi led a good round of F2 on goal review and goal setting for the rest of 2024. Good to reflect on those goals and put them out there in writing and verbally so we increase our chances of succeeding.
  • Good to see Rotary out – nice to have a few guys out to help lower the average age of Emmaus under social security levels.
  • Thanks to Jedi for the chance to lead this morning!