Mighty Oak Mini-Murph

Event Date

Aug 07, 2024


YHC has been DR, MIA, and all the other acronyms you can apply to not being present for F3 workouts over the past two weeks.  Lots of work travel lately.  Imagine my surprise when I looked to see who had the Q this week and found that the slot was vacant.

Guess it’s time for a last minute MQ-Q!  Showed up ten minutes early, and happy to see Toby roll in with 60 seconds to spare.  Here’s what went down:


  • Side Straddle Hop x 25 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC


It felt like a good morning for a full body workout, and with St. Mark’s so close by, why not do a mini-Murph?

We ran to the Stumptown traffic circle to do 25 more Side Straddle Hops in cadence, then moseyed up the hill to the pull-up bars at St. Mark’s.  You know the drill – Murph/2.

  • Exercise 1:  5 Pull-ups
  • Exercise 2:  5 Merkins IC (10)
  • Exercise 3:  7.5 Squats IC (15)

Repeato x 10, run back to the traffic circle for 25 more SSH IC, then mosey back to launch for the final 25 SSH IC.  All told, we did 50 Pull-ups, 100 Merkins, 150 Squats, 200 Side Straddle Hops, and covered close to 1.75 miles running.


  • So great to see Toby and catch up over a very sweaty 45 minutes – he showed up with a head cold and gave it 110%
  • After two years as MQ of The Mighty Oak, I’ll be looking to hand over the reins
    • As an aside, there has been discussion of the potential consolidation of AOs to foster higher attendance at others on the same day – TMO may end up being one of these AOs to consolidate
  • Prayers for all families in our F3 community struggling with anxiety, stress, and other challenges