Baker’s Dozen at Bedrock

Twelve warriors, including one FNG, joined YHC on Saturday for a Bedrock beatdown. PAX moseyed over to the far soccer field while a few late stragglers trickled in and joined us at the warm-a-rama circle. A healthy dose of 50 SSH’s were offered to get the heart pumping. Following warm-ups, PAX would perform 20 burpees across the length of the field, hitting 2 burpees every 10 yards. Plenty of push back and healthy mumble chatter was heard throughout the workout which makes for a nice distraction when things get tough.

FNG-1 is John, 32, and was EH’d by Airstream. Great having you with us brother and solid work! We look forward to having you back for a nicknaming!

YHC offered a DORA challenge at the bottom of the stairs heading to Bailey Middle School. DORA exercises included partners completing 100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBC’s while alternating laps up and down the stairs. Plenty of grumbling was overheard among the PAX during the DORA but everyone put forth 100% effort. Great work! Cubicle would save the PAX 5 burpees for answering the Alaska trivia question correctly (Elevation of Denali – 21k feet, it’s actually 20,310 but close enough)

Almost as predictable as the weather forecast of no rain, YHC would lead the PAX over to Bailey Middle School for People’s Chair, Air Squats, Touch Them Heels, and a newly introduced “Balls to the Walls”. We also hit the picnic tables for incline merkins and dips and of course the much beloved Dog Agility run in the parking lot.

PAX would end with plenty of MARY, including Kid Rock’s soul crushing Homer to Marge which seemed like it lasted an eternity!

Solid work everyone!

Awesome having Waffle House at Bedrock, still recovering for injuries.

Great seeing Titan back after being away for a while.

Prayers offered up for special requests made during CoT followed by a great showing for coffeeteria at Willow.

Humbly in Christ,