Denver comes to Fartlek

Also included from Denver – De Nice (sp?) and Kemchic(sp?)

Huge turnout to a workout with No PB!  A lot of us training for Kiawah Tri posted along with 3 guys from Denver.  

Prayers for Kemchi’s father and family as his father has entered Hospice care.  So many of us know the pain that comes with this.  We can only hope and pray that when we part this world and our loved ones do that we are at peace and our relationships are strong.  Many have loved ones pass and they feel regret or maybe they were hurt or shorted in some way.  Pray to God for peace as he knows what is best.

We also pray for Smores and he continues journey to recovery from an embolism he suffer 2-3 weeks ago for which he is still hospitalized.


Oh, I guess we ran a little, with all selecting their distance of 3-5 miles.  Thank you to the regulars like UltraMan Die Hard for giving us guidance.  Be good men!