Sorry Folks – the Park is Closed

Event Date

Aug 16, 2024

Late with the back blast – posting for posterity and for those that track attendance closely.

When YHC got to the park – there were cars on the driveway outside the park waiting for me.  Due to the ongoing construction – the park was closed.  Surely the sign means for other people. 

With the flag spiked at the top of the hill, we said the pledge and were on our way. 

We adroitly ducked under and around the closed gate and went about our business. 

We did Warm-o-rama at the usual spot, headed down to the wall for assorted people’s chair, praying mantis, balls to the wall and curb kickers.  

We moseyed to the parking lot hill and paired up for a DORA – mericans, jump squats and LBCs.  And here in the story dear reader is where we done screwed up.  YHC led the troops to the rock pile near the work shed.  As we grabbed rocks and circled up – we were told the park was closed.  With a combination of good-natured defiance and feigned ignorance – Air Stream negotiated on our behalf.  Sadly, he was not successful.  We put the rocks back and moseyed to the standard pile for rock work + joggy jogs to the corner and back.

We put back the rocks and moseyed to our new home away from home for Mary.

Recover Recover

  • Good Crew of 75% Respects + our much younger brethren – Toby and Greyhound.  
  • Keep an eye out for back blasts for the next few weeks to see about alternate launch points for the General.  Word is the construction should be done “at the end of the month” – we’ll see about which month.  
  • Always an honor and a pleasure to lead you fine men.

