23 emerged from the gloom, parked in regular spots many of which were quickly changed to a work zone requiring abbreviated warm-up and moving of vehicles, but it all worked out in the end.


The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare

Calf Stretches each leg

SSH X 10

Long Snappers X 10


Mosey to the base of the hill, 6 rocks obtained en route, 1st 6 back do 20 reps of curls or shoulder press

The Horseshoe Exercises – 100 reps each total:


Low Flutters




Mosey to the fire station

Rosalita X 20

Touch ‘Dem Heels X 20

Pretzel Crunch X 15 each side

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey back to launch


Naked Man Moleskin:

  1. Great to have the OG Ludi back in the house – we miss you brother!
  2. Hippie spreading Fake News regarding unlimited Horseshoe make-ups. He did run for office, should be expected I guess.
  3. Continued good news on S’mores – thanks for the update Shake! Please keep him and his family in your prayers
  4. Happy to welcome Trent Post to our ranks – childhood neighbor of Gnarly Goat in Hidden Valley, current neighbor of Cowbell and Stromboli and Ethiopian missionary. 1 of those things is very impressive.
  5. Next chance to tackle THE Horseshoe – 9/17/2024


As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!


