Jane is Back!

Event Date

Aug 22, 2024


YHC needed some accountability after a lack-luster workout week of 0 posts.  Saw the Q opening was available for Fission yesterday and what better way to hold yourself accountable than to sign-up to lead in the gloom.  It was a fine morning indeed as YHC got to catch up a bit with Goat who was early and eagerly awaiting the  arrival of a long-time friend Danny Rivera aka F3 Jane.  Jane is stationed in CO and is serving in the USAF.  After a warm greeting, some hugs and high fives, things kicked off right at 530.

PAX managed to get in 1.7 miles this morning by taking a tour of Olde Cornelius over to Legion Park and back up 115. Benches at the park were used for dips, merkins and split squats.  We also took full advantage of the rock pile for curls, squats, skull crushers, and presses. Mobility moments were strategically mixed in to everyone’s liking. 

Always fun having a visitor among the PAX and it was great having Jane join us at Fission.  Given his CrossFit-like physical condition, the workout was probably a warm-up for Jane! Great having Goat as his first POC when in town-awesome!

prayers lifted this morning for spoken and unspoken requests. 

great coffeeteria discussion about Jason Alexander, and other random trivia including some celebrity selling candles that smell like female body parts. You can’t make this up!

always an honor and privilege to lead such a distinguished and highly intellectual group of men

Humbly in Christ,
