Iron Pax Warmup

Event Date

Aug 29, 2024

Jobe and Ichabod met the standard. YHC had good intentions but a late night and “morning meeting” kept him from joining. 


  • IST x 20 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 10 IC
  • Carrot Pullers x 10 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC
  • Mountain climbers x 20 IC



  • SSH with burpees every time the word “thunder” or “thunderstruck” is said. This is 34 burpees in case you were wondering.


Run a lap.

Enron conveniently joins us after Thunderstruck ends.

The Thang

  • Pull ups x 10 OYO
  • Squat Thrusters x 15 OYO

Run to the end of the parking lot

  • Merkins x 20 OYO
  • Jump squats x 25 OYO

Repeat x 3.


Kettlebell shuttle run.  5 KB Shoulder press at the top of each run.

  • 10 KB Swings OYO
  • 15 KB Swings OYO
  • 20 KB Swings OYO
  • 25 KB Swings OYO

Run a recovery lap.


  • Standing Oblique KB Crunch x 10 IC (each side)
  • WWII sit ups x 20 SC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Dead Bug x 10 IC
  • High Plank Hold
  • Low plank Hold


  • Jobe is somehow getting more fit. He must be taking whatever steroids RFK Jr. is taking.
  • Ichabod is looking f****ng swole and getting fast. Be careful with this guy.
  • Gambini made the trip to DS after a long hiatus. He tried his West Huntersville mumblechatter but then the workout quieted him.
  • Shadow is consistent. Quiet and efficient, he crushed the workout like he does every week.
  • Enron…showed up. Somehow he was up early enough to be on his phone at 5am, but despite living 5 minutes away he showed up 15 minutes late. Better late than never because he still didn’t miss all the hard stuff!


Thanks for those who came out! Iron Pax starts next week and we’ll likely be moving Dragon Slayer to Bailey Road Park like in years past. Look out for a calendar change and preblast on X/Twitter. Until then – CB