Stacks with each PAX Q’ing their own

Event Date

Sep 09, 2024

8 PAX for Stacks of exercises (1 on top of another) at Man Maker Monday

Mosey around the parking lot 

Warm O Roma: arm circles, neck rolls, SSH IC X 20, 10 Slow Windmills IC X 10, carrot pullers/long snappers IC X 15, chin to knee (both sides) 5 count hold, IST IC X 15, Toy Soldiers IC X 10 

Grab KB and get into a straight line in front of the school for:

The Thang – Super Stacks of PAX Called + PAX Lead exercises

PAX callout & lead their called exercise starting with 1st PAX. After called exercise is complete, all PAXs then run across parking lot then back. Repeat 1st called PAX exercise and then add (Stack) the next exercise then continue until all 8 PAX called + lead exercises stack.

1. PAX Greyhound lead Curls, 2. PAX Lambeau lead KB Swing, 3. Hat Trick lead shoulder press, 4. PAX Oyster lead chest press, 5. PAX MobyDick lead around the world, 6. PAX Grenade lead Lawn Mower (ea arm),  7. PAX Callahan lead Skull crushers, 8. PAX Axle lead Mericans.

Great variation of exercises called+ lead by All PAXs. See, you can all Q a workout 👊.

Each PAX calls + leads Core exercise: PAX Axle lead Goblet Squats, PAX Callahan lead , PAX Grenade lead arm circles, PAX MobyDick lead 5 burpees, PAX Oyster lead Pigeon, PAX Hat Trick lead Pretzel Crunch, PAX Lambeau leads catcher’s pose.

Great variation of core exercises called+ lead by All PAXs. See, you can all Q a workout 👊.

Recover, Recover 

Announcements: 9/11 Memorial stair climb at HopeWell High School. Neck of the Woods Adventure Race. See social media for full details 

Prayers: PAX Oyster’s extended family members who were severely injured in a motor vehicle incident, quickly recover from back and other injuries. PAX MobyDick’s son recovery from successful hernia surgery 🙏🏼