Just Too Many negatives 😡

FNG is – Tyler, nice having you out

An honor to lead as Q at this prestigious AO Appreciate the opportunity Outlaw 👍. I guess I wasn’t ready as I showed a minute late this morning 😞. Apologies.

13 of the areas finest and experienced PAX showed for PAINinsula

It all went a little something like:


Mosey to Yoga Studio parking lot for Warm-aroma: SSH IC X 20, slow windmills IC X 10, carrot pullers IC X 15, runner’s stretch for 5 count hold, flip flop, IST IC X 15, Toy Soldiers IC X 10.

Mosey to closest rock pile. Grab a rock and short back to yoga studio for:

Negatives – all exercises called with a declining 3, 2, 1 cadence X 10 

Curls, low curls, high curls, overhead press, skull crushers X 5. On your 6 for: Homer to Marge, Rosalita, one arm on rock Mericans, goblet squats, squat to curls combo (didn’t go so well 🤷🏼‍♂️).

Mosey down the ramp to the other rock pile across from the fire station.

Partner up, grab a rock, gather at the bottom of the hill (starting spot for the Horseshoe).

Multi Directional DORA or appli named Dorapena.

1st Partner runs East to street lamp while 2nd Partner does Shoulder Press X 100, swap after Partner 1 returns.

After completing ☝️, 1st Partner runs North Up the Horseshoe Hill while 2nd Partner does Bentover Rows X 100, swap after Partner 1 returns.

After completing ☝️, 1st Partner runs West to the fire station parking lot while 2nd Partner does Chest Presses X 200, swap after Partner 1 returns.

Fire station for pledge of Allegiance and mobility Moment. Downward dog, into plank, the pigeon, into upward pigeon, into downward dog and eventually upward dog

Return rocks.

Inclined Mericans on the guard rail with negative IC for 5 count, then closer grip for 5, and diamond grip for 5.

Mosey, Mosey back to launch.

Recover, Recover

Announcements – 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Hope Well High School tomorrow. Neck of the Woods Adventure Race. Please see social media for full details on each.

Prayer Requests – PAX Oyster relatives for recovery from a motor vehicle accident. Sounds like it is going to be a long recovery. PAX Outlaw’s Inlaw for healing. PAX FreePass’s grandparent for wrist healing after a fall. 1st responders as we honor 9/11.