What is it about rubbers?

Event Date

Sep 15, 2024


Three seasoned veterans joined Airstream at Bedrock. Primo came in hot and joined the group with a few seconds to spare. Once organized moseyed to the football field where they would stay for the next hour. 
Warm up lap, stair climbing x2 and proceeded to make a 4 man circle for warm up exercises, mobility and stretch. Once we were all warmed up and ready we grabbed our rubbers (bands) and started to work.  At this time the chatter turned in a direction a 1970’s sex education class teacher would blush. Not sure what it is but whenever Airstream brings out the bands we tend to go south in our chatter. 
Thang: Banded exercises followed by separators; 10yd, 20yd, 30yd, 40yd, 50yd

Started with band resisted mericans x10 IC followed by separators

Banded low rows x 10IC; separators

Banded low rows, horizontal pull apart; separators

Banded low rows, horizontal pull apart, diagonal pull apart; separators

Banded low rows, horizontal pull apart, diagonal pull apart, shoulder shrug; separators

Banded low rows, horizontal pull apart, diagonal pull apart, shoulder shrugs, banded mericans; separators

Battling rope intervals. One pax on ropes remainder pax doing leg exercises. x2 rounds. 
Air squats, FW lunge, BW lunge, Side lunge, isometric lunge holds. 
Banded side steps x 10 yds x 4 sets, lots of chatter during this series.

Banded hip flexion repeats on 6. 
Finished with core, hips, mobility work  

Good work by all. Possum, Primo and Thug put in the work this morning. Total body, stressed all systems. 

Continued prayers for all pax and their families, continued prayers for all pax to be the man the Lord wants us to be and to  answer the call when the Lord asks. Continue to protect the lives of the unborn, elderly and those who do not have a voice in our world. 
Coffeteria was attended by all, just as Airstream was feeling good about the work done and pushing the pax, Possum said he thought he might go run the cross country trails at Davidson College………., I guess it wasn’t has challenging as I thought.

Be a shining light in the world. 
-Airstream (Go Canes)