National cinnamon raisin bread day

Event Date

Sep 16, 2024

It had been a minute or two since I Qed and Tammy Faye and Arnies have always been good to me so it was time to give back.  
Warm up-parking lot lap, Side straddle hop, IST, windmill, mountain climbers, arm circles.

We then retrieved the blocks and got to work

eveything in cadence unless noted:

1. 18 Curls, 10 skull crushers, 9 squats, 16 single count swings, 18 chest press, 10 sit upsPartner up for a Parking lot Lap-partner 1 start with farmers carry, partner 2 15 merkins then catch partner farmer carrying and switch, repeat til complete. Calf raises with partner 

2. 18 Curls, 10 skull crushers, 9 squats, 16 single count swings, 18 chest press, 10 sit upsPartner up for a Parking lot Lap-partner 1 start with farmers carry, partner 2 15 merkins then catch partner farmer carrying and switch, repeat til complete. Calf raises with partner.

3. 18 Curls, 10 skull crushers, 9 squats, 16 single count swings, 18 chest press, 10 sit upsPartner up for a Parking lot Lap-partner 1 start with farmers carry, partner 2 15 merkins then catch partner farmer carrying and switch, repeat til complete. Calf raises with partner 

mosey to the bridge.  Had a couple newbies who hadn’t done the Arnies throw back,  some tunnel of love, people chair with air press and then calf raises.  Mosey back to lot.  One partner farmer carry blocks back, other merkins and plank.  Finish with 9 burpees.

tuffy was missed for sure, a regular Arnies stud and I always enjoy his inquiries to the weird numbers of exercises.  Hard working group but they didn’t ask many questions. in preparation of the work out I found out that September 16 is guacamole day, Plato day, step family day, working parents day, cinnamon raisin bread day and… Independence Day, 1810 9–16Which is where we got our wonderful inspiration for the count for exercises.
FNG-1 is Pushpop

thanks for coming out gentlemen. I hope you felt you got your money’s worth.