Summit attempt, turned to beautiful lake out&back

Event Date

Jul 19, 2024


We wanted to summit a 13r and started out hot. Departed 2hrs later than the day prior which still had us leave the house by 0330 We were particularly giggly and happy on the early ascent. Plenty of fun mumblechatter and laughter. Weather became a concern, Enron wasn’t feeling it and we all decided to turn around. When we reached the parking lot hoards of mosquitoes tried to devour us so we had to think fast. Reset the packs, tweak your kit and clothing and off we went to a lake nearby. This out and back trail totaled about 12 miles including the summit attempt leg and it was extremely gorgeous. Almost recovery oriented as we were all feeling it in our legs from the day before. I wanted to cliff jump into the water but was advised against it by my fellow pax. Snapped some pics and back to the car we went. Stopped by boulder on the way into town, that was fun. I saw Casey Powell, famous lacrosse player and we had some good Mexican food for dinner. We even stumbled upon some free ice cream in the street. 
