“Go into the city, and a man carrying a water jug will meet you. Follow him.” – Jesus

10 hard-chargers sallied out for what is hopefully the stoopidest thing that ever happens in Isotope.  Some of the pax knew it was coming (and posted anyway).  Others were surprised.  In any event, all hands embraced the stoopid in celebration of YHC’s birthday.

Jugs in hand, we proceeded out to HWY 73 in order to show off for as many early commuters as possible. We crossed over and headed for a gloomy, brief romantic rendez vous with Stretch Armstrong where Toxic waited, posing ever so seductively in “up cobra”.

With time running out, we scurried back to the launch for a 3-round knockout which left all hands pretty well smoked.

I had to flee the scene immediately, but enjoyed a birthday video surprise from the coffeeteria crowd.

Gents, as I said in CoT, I am blessed and filled with gratitude for you.  I mean it.

Your pal,

Gnarly Goat