JB makes his reappearance

Event Date

Sep 19, 2024


3 PAX and a Jersey Boy reappearance. Glad to see you back out and semi mobile JB 👊🏼

Warm O Roma: SSH IC X 15, Windwills slow IC X 10, long snappers IC X 15, IST IC X 15. Mosey down to My. Zion Church for

Stairs: starting on the ground in front of the church’s front stairs 1 Merican, then climb to 1st stair do 1 Merican, keep climbing until highest stairs before standing up. Then run up the church stairs. Complete 3 for rounds.

Using the bottom stair place left leg on the stair and do 10 squats, flip flop. Using second stair Bulvarian split squat X 10, then flip flop. Mosey to the parking lot in front of the cabin.

Parking lot: quadrophilia to midway point of parking lot, then cross leg to top, reverse order on way back. Next round side shuffle.

Picnic tables: inclined Mericans X 10 count, bench squats X 10. Run the stairs. Repeat for 3 rounds 

Mobility Moment: pretzel crunches IC X 10, flip flop, spinal press for 10 count hold, then 5 count hold, W’s IC X 10.

Announcements: Neck of the Woods Adventure Race. See social media for sign ups and full details.

Prayers: F3 The Count for healing after heart treatment, F3 Big Papi for healing of blood clots after brain surgery, F3 Moonlight for Fellowship, PAX Canuck’s nephew needs prayers for inoperable cancer 

Moleskin: whenever JB is present, you can guarantee one thing, that there will be Mumble chatter. It was nice hearing him conversing this morning. And at Coffeeteria too. Great group of PAX, good discussions held 👍🏼