Kinnamon Park Speedway

1 mile warmup to Kinnamon park to begin 1/4 mile speed repeats on the .7 mile loop.

I miscounted the laps telling pax that 3 got them to 4.8 and 4 got them to 5.5miles including the 1 mile cooldown back to center. In reality 4 laps achieved 4.8 and 5 laps made 5.5 but they all checked out after 3 reps anyway leaving Sac & I behind. It’s hard to mumblechatter at 175bpm but we can manage. 

We have a lot of marathoners and half marathoners in the group. I challenge the pax to circle back to their 5k. Run a baseline, set a goal. Many of us are familiar with 10k training runs but when was the last time you PR’d it? What was the time? 

Pit Stop’s famous world record marathon relay is coming up fast. Not sure if we’re doing 200’s or 400m intervals but Usain Bolt holds the world record 200m at 19.19 seconds. I encourage you to reach for a sub 25 second 200 or a sub 60 400m. 

Prayers for family, fellowship and peace. Prayers for health, longevity and gratitude. 
Praise the Lord and have Faith, Amen. 



FNGs: Quagmire & Chipper