Paininsula Personal Fitness Test

14 men of character joined to improve themselves and sharpen others.


15 ssh

15 ist

15 ts

forward fold to carrot pullers *15

into down dog to cobra*5

The thang

– Mosey to fire station rock pile

– PT test

6 rounds 1 min

– 10 plank jacks

– 10 merks

– 10 mtn climbers

– 10 squats

– 10 curls

recover Axel/Outlaw 10 count

next up w rocks-

15 chest press

15 mason twist 

15 over head press

15 skull crushers

put rocks up

partner up

partner 1 runs to side street (up hill) 10 merks, then back

partner 2 squats until p1 back

then swap with 5 merks at top

– round 2

p1 runs and 10 Carolina dry docks (thanks Airstream for the audible!)

p2 – lbc

swap- 5 at top

plank to low plank to high plank to down dog to low pigeon to proud pigeon to high plank to down dog then pigeon again with other leg.

Mosey to fire station flag for Pledge 

Mosey to base

15 low flutter

15 dying la-cockroach 

15 rosalita 

15 crunchy frogs

15 each side pretzel crunch

recover recover

perfect mumble chatter for a hard moving workout.

Hat tip to Hooker for the personal fitness test. I both grumble and appreciate it during many a  Wednesdays PainLab.

Free pass and Hall Monitor left the after the warmup for a Horseshoe make up. 

Lift up Oysters friend and Sudz M who just had knee surgery.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!  Until we meet again.



I took us out with a modified version of the follow prayer:

In the name of the Jesus, I renounce the spirit of fear.

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of discouragement. 

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of self hatred. 

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of self pity.

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the orphan spirit which is the spirit of abandonment. 

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of rejection. 

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of jealousy.

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of comparison to others. 

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of human respect. 

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of anxiety. 

In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of nihilism and despair. 

Jesus, I believe in your love for me, help my unbelief. 

Jesus, I believe in your mercy for me, help my unbelief. 

Jesus, I believe in your delight in me, help my unbelief. 

Jesus, I trust in you. 

Jesus, I love you. 

Jesus, I give myself completely unto you