Classic #CrowdPleaser

Event Date

Oct 12, 2024


After spending much of the summer doing tri’s at SVU or in GA with Milinda, I finally was able to re-connect here in Denver for a good ol’ classic BEATdown. I was elated to see 2 others emerge from the gloom for an early start at SVU. Beautiful crisp and clear 42F. Decided to go pretty basic, with some classic #CrowdPleasers. Here’s how it went down.

Warm Up:
– SSH, windmill, copperhead squats(homage to MetroDog), merkins, mountain climbers, and dippy birds

Back to the back park for some Circuit City:
– 3 rounds of short Murphs (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
– Colt 45’s (homage to Shredder)
– shoulder press
– air press Supermans
– manmaker burpees
– LBH with 30 WWI’s(homage to Dandy) and 20 merkins


Parking Lot Finisher (+ mosey back implied)
– butt kickers
– high knees
– karaoke L, R
– burpee broad jump
– bear crawl + crawl bear back

Dr. D was headed down to Mustang so we did the Reflection before Mary:
James 1:12
“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”
* I think it’s easy right after an F3 workout to think of physical challenges of voluntary exercise, but I think this verse has more to do with other trials: choosing God’s way instead of our way, choosing God’s patience and grace instead of this world’s typical way of responding, standing firm for God and testifying through love instead of selfishly doing what is safe, physical trials that are not our choosing (graceful and faithful through sickness or disease)
* Be aware and consider trials that others may be going through; heap out grace abundantly.
* Be grateful for trials, as they provide an opportunity to stand firm in the test and receive the crown of life.

Bog and YHC finished up with a bit of Mary…truth be told, I was ready to skip Mary, but Bog wasn’t having that. Thanks!
– flutter kicks
– Dr. W (homage to LightBulb) #CrowdPleaser supreme
– ‘merican hammers

– Great to hear about Dr Doolittle’s recent Tour de Midwest whilst going to a conference: Pigeon Forge, Churchill Downs/Louisville, Columbus, Christmas Story house in Cleveland, Touchdown Jesus in South Bend, Field of Dream in Dyersville IA…lol I don’t even remember where the conference was…maybe that’s what was in C-bus?
– also great to hear how his M had a successful treatment recently and is slowly gaining strength and mobility
– T-claps to Shirley for lending me some real man hiking backpacks for an upcoming weekend trip near the GA start of the App Trail.  Go Bucks!
– Also T-claps for bringing back the Dr W’s. Dang, those are awkward…remember the great AO Dr W challenges we had #anythingyoucandoIcandobetter

As always, it was such an honor to lead these fine men.