Cameo appearance by Mater and Sonar about 15 minutes apart. Same place but not same time. “Does anybody know what time it is”?
Warm Up
IC: TS, ST, WM, CP, MC, Up/D Dog, SS, CR, Stairway to 11 or 12 if you’re short.
Main Event
Circuit around PL with rest stops for: merkins, CH Squats, burpees, karaoke, dips, lunge walk, step ups. To low bars for 3 sets of pull ups. To the wall for sit and OH clap. Back to AO.
KBs: IC for: curls, press, SC, rows, dead lifts, goblet squats, sumo squats, American Swings, Walmarts, Milk Jugs. Went through two cycles more or less.
lbc, pretzel crunch, low flutter
Meditation: 1 Peter 4:15-16. Prays for all the people suffering from Helene and thanks for those who are helping in the recovery.