Coming in hot!
1 mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 ‘mericans
300 squats
1 mile run
Matthew 6:34 ESV
Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble
- Asked Cheese to lead us out in prayer during COT. He did great. I explained to him after that while my father almost always prayed at the dinner table I wasn’t given may opportunities growing up to lead in prayer and that carried into my adult life being shy about it.
- Missed a lot of you today and also a lot of you lately. You need F3 and it needs you. If morning is too morning for you (even if it’s not) come out to a Men’s alliance tribe. They meet Monday and Wednesday at 7pm at Real Life Church. Cheese and I will be there Wednesday. C# (nudge nudge) might be there tonight if you would like a friendly face.
- Why procrastinate today when you can just procrastinate tomorrow?