run around the lot to the top
warm up
run to newly paved parking lot
some animal walks
across to CSD park
one legged squats X 10
mosey to benches dips X 15
run to building
burpee X 5
repeato! (per Burgoo)
running (per Calypso, including a couple sprints)
mosey to bottom of lot and did an exercise
mosey to top of hill and hit the button before rest of PAX ready (gambini)
mosey across to shelter
step ups X 10
mosey to bottom and mary
FNG-1 forever to be named Scooter (ask him why when you see him)
Enjoyed leading the pax, and having the pax lead stuff too, which is why I can’t remember all the exercises in spite of the fact that I told Jenny I would. Along that line, if I missed anyone chime in below and I’ll add you to PAX list. That is all