Convergence for Donations for Thanksgiving Dinners

Convergence location:  112200 Treynorth Dr

Cubicle, Soprano and Airstream started with a 3 mile standard.

Warmarama: Mosey down to D9 and back to make sure no other PAX where parked there.

5 burpees, SSH 20x, IST 10x, TS 10x, Windmill 10x

The Thang:

We split up into stations:

Station 1: Med ball slams & box jumps

Station 2: Jump rope & Walking lunge with weighted bar

Station 3:  Pull ups or KB lawn mower pulls, weighted sled push, & battle ropes

Every time we changed stations 5 burpees

After completing all 3 stations mosey to D9 and back 

We completed 3 rounds

Next up 

Station 1: dips

Station 2: KB curls

Station 3: plank walk with merkin 2 parking spaces 

We completed 3 rounds


downward dog, pigeon, crunchy frog 15x, heels to heaven 10x, W 10x, Freddy Merc 20x, LBC 20x, 5 burpees


Thank you to Waffle House for rounding up some of the PAX that we parked at D9 brewery, I guess they we were ready to drink some beer!

Boarhog and Boardog were late but glad when he showed up so that we had 3 equal groups of 5 for our stations.

Great to have a stationary bike for the injured PAX (Jersey Boy) to cycle while we ran.

We moved Mary from the parking lot to the turf because of complaining from the PAX.  It was definitely better for crunchy frogs.

PAX had the option to skip 5 burpees when we did them and donate an additional $5.  I took this from Greyhound request at MMM earlier this week.  Feel free to add it to your Q as we will continue to raise money for Turkey Dinner and then Operations Sweet Tooth.  PAX also added a Q penalty of $5 when they mess up, which I did a couple times!

Flo was unable to make it due to a prior commitment but thank you for your continued dedication to help families in need during the Thanksgiving Season.

Shaken and Greyhound fartsacked but showed up to donate!  Thank you all for your donations!  We raised over $300!

Also thank you to Mike Clapp for donating his facility and equipment for a great spot for a F3 workout!

Thank you to Possum and Blackbeard for converging Bedrock and Mightyjungle!

Snake Eyes thank you for taking us out in prayer. 

Please continue to keep Olive and his family in your prayers as they recover from a tragic car accident last weekend.

Make sure to get out and vote!