Please come to Emmaus.  She said, “No.  Baby you come home to me.”

Event Date

Jan 31, 2025


10 hard-chargers sallied out for the earliest early-bird in Isotope.  YHC arrived not knowing what to offer this demanding crew, but was soon inspired by the outstanding acoustics in the suburban canyon created by the AAA store and Moe’s, thus was invented a new workout simply called, “The Canyon”.  It took exactly no time for the wise and perceptive Stray to correctly surmise that we were involved in a mini-horseshoe situation. 

YHC had calculated that the time to complete The Canyon would be precisely the 30 mins, which is the preferred time hack for an Emmaus offering.  This gave the pax ample time to discuss coffee enemas, which is all they really came for anyway.

With “The Canyon” complete, the motley crew adjourned to coffee, where the discussion turned to personal and professional “COOP” (continuity of operations).  How will you handle the 6 hours… 6 days… 6 months after a departure from normal ops?  Whether it’s a flat tire or a flattened city… what’s your capability and mindset?  Replace your “what if…” with “even if….” .

We got some good advice from some pax who know what’s up.

With a productive morning already assured, the pax headed into their day toward various high impact opportunities.  Late-departing pax were rewarded with a sighting of the actual inventor of the Horseshoe (after whom the Canyon was fashioned) in the parking lot.  As usual he was on fleek.

As the ramblin men dissolved into the mist, we threw “I love you” echoes down the canyon
And we will lie awake at night while they come back around.

Goat sends.

