Planes of Motion Focus

Chilly Arrived at Bailey Road Park at 530am to knock out 17 miles on the track and joined us for CoT! Strong training for Myrtle Beach Marathon!

Great seeing Waffle House back with us on Saturday morning!

A very welcome sight pulling in and being greeted by Airstream, Shake, Hippie with Waffle and BagBoy pulling in shortly after 

PAX covered close to 2 miles  with the majority of time spent on the soccer field performing a variety of movements across different planes.  Multiple offerings of forward, reverse and side lunges were mixed in throughout to keep plenty of tension on lower body. Lots of movements alternating between backwards, side shuffles and forward jogs focused primarily on change of direction and balance.

So good being back at Bedrock with a lot of the regulars this morning! 

Solid camaraderie all morning including good attendance and discussion at Coffeeteria. We discussed an always important topic regarding safety during F3 workouts whether you’re leading of following keep an eye out and keep safety top of mind. Remember during our early morning runs to be visible with reflective material and lights. 

thanks for Hippie for closing us in prayer!

Humbly in Christ

